How We Can Help

Your story matters. You are either reading this because you have first-hand experience, or you know or love someone who has dealt with mental health issues. Either way you need answers, support, and a community that supports you.

PTSD is not only difficult to navigate, it can leave you feeling isolated and alone. Community is a vital part of the healing process.

The Battle Back Foundation is a strong support system, an opportunity to share your story, and a connection to others who have experienced traumatic events. We are stronger together and our stories and experiences matter.

As we share and connect with one another, we are not only building awareness, we are offering validation, assistance, comfort, and support to our police officers.

  • The educational tools they will provide will be impactful to change and assist those that struggle with issues around mindset.

    These thought leaders have enormous respect for police officers and their families.

  • The foundation will provide the connection and cover the cost associated with their needed treatments.

  • We will fund for the treatments, wellness retreats, or any other need to assist police officers and their families to focus on their mental wellness without having to burden with the cost associated with treatments.

  • The community will assist in events, meet-ups, and assistance in openly speaking about mental health and breaking the stigma that mental health treatment is for those that are “weak”.

  • The alarming rate in which police officers are taking their own lives affects so many including their spouses, parents, children, and community. This trend needs to change and in a hurry.

    The Battle Back Foundation has developed a four prong approach to tackling and providing the much needed resources to our first responders.

    This foundation is unique and very few offer the resources that it provides. But, we need you and your support to help fund the growing demands of mental health recovery amongst our police officers.

    Please consider joining us in this cause.